Monday, May 12, 2008

Stamp it, send it and be done with it!

With another "Hallmark" holiday done with, I gotta ask........

When you send a card for an event, do you have to call on the day?

Let me clarify.......

Mothers Day. I am a mother so don't get me wrong when someone wants to send me a card or take me to dinner to celebrate the stretch marks, hemorrhoids and sleepless nights...I am all for it but I guess I want to know if I am obligated to make 500 zillion phone calls on the day to make the mothers in my life smile, even though I mailed a card? This goes for birthdays, anniversarys, holidays and so forth!

I guess it could be guilt making me pose this question. But I really think I need some clarification.

Last night after I got the children to bed, laundry in the dryer, dishes done and lunch made and packed in the Spider Man lunch bag, I decided to sit for a second and watch a minute of TV. 8:30 pm and I am ready for bed, and clear the mind!!!

Oh no, my mother has other plans! The phone rings...she had little kids at one time...did she forget how the slightest ring could startle a 9 month old?!?!?!?!?
not a hello, not a how was your day...not a how are the was...(note the capital letters...this should explain the volume she spoke in) " WELL, DID YOU FORGET TO CALL ME? I AM SO SHOCKED THAT YOU OF ALL PEOPLE DID NOT CALL TO WISH ME A HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!

After the initial shock of being screamed at and put in the category of my crappy sister (long story) I had to remember who was on the other line. I wanted to yell and say ok so what the heck do you want?!?! But instead I lied and said I tried to call and no one answered. Well, caller id was not a good alibi so I blamed technology and said her phone log was wrong.

So, was I obligated to call even though I sent a card? It is not like I was sitting on the couch eating bon-bons!! I was cutting the grass, emptying boxes, teach my baby to walk and making snacks! (great mothers day!!)

So what I say is....

Stamp it, send it and be done with it!!!!!!


Mama of 2 said...

I couldn't agree more...especially when you are a mom yourself. I honestly think it was different before I had kids. I honored my mom with a card, phone call and even possibly brunch. And it's not that I am not honoring her now but it's also that I feel that my family (hubby and kids) should honor me.

We did as a family go see my mom and my mother-in-law bringing a potted plant and card. So I guess I am still sort of stuck between being her daughter and someone's mom.

it's a rock and a hard place if you ask me. LOL!

Robin said...

Lisa,Lisa,Lisa....tsk tsk!!

I know it seems like if you send a card then your job is done. Is that all YOU will want when YOUR boys are dads? I doubt it.

Last October on Kara's birthday I didn't call her in the morning because I was going over her house in the afternoon to celebrate this wonderful day. Deep down I knew it was gonna come back to bite me in the ass but then I thought,"Well,I'll be seeing her in a couple of hours."

Sure enough,the minute I walked through her door she gave me the disappointed face and asked,"WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL ME TODAY???"

I knew I had been wrong and believe me,it'll never happen again!

The moral of my story....CALL YOUR MOTHER ON MOTHER'S DAY!!!! It is an unwritten mandatory rule for good children!!