Wednesday, March 21, 2007

hmmmm, did he pick that up from me?

Thinking I am a very conscientious parent, I have curbed my swearing and cuss words down to a minimal two words. G*# D@M. Yes that is the one that I use all the time....because I don't consider the word "freaking" a swear. So, I stub my toe, I say ouch, holy crap or something like that mildly resembles a swear but when I am angry I bring out the ugly GD one. So, Trent is at the stage where he is trying to push my buttons. He knows by the end of the day when it is time for bed I am beat...I get to my room and I have no energy for fighting or temper tantrums. He knows that if he gets ready early enough he can watch a movie in my bed...well, it was a school night and he was being a pesky child and getting up and down and pushing the limits and I better get in that GD bed!!! End of story...that was about a month ago.
I never realized that my son had elephant genetics in him...his memory is amazing!
So the other night, I am tired as usual, and it is getting late and he needs to be in bed. Don't 3 year olds know that a mother needs her beauty sleep!!!!
So....he is being a pesky child again and I quietly and calmly say...little man you best be in that bed...and without missing a beat, he yells back...I am in my GD bed!! I was stunned...then I burst out laughing...thank goodness he did not see me.
Of course I make the mistake of telling my husband, TC that our little angel knows how to cuss correctly..and using it in the proper context no less! Of course, I get you know, this is all your fault. Ahhhh ya no kidding...I am home with him more! Dur!
So it gets better...on the way home from Best Buy we purchase a movie he is eager to watch..we are about 20 minutes from the house and he is demanding to watch his movie..I tell him that he has to wait until we get home...well he blurts out....I want to watch my freaking GD movie!!!
Mouth open and in shock, I look over at my husband who I am waiting for him to freak out...just starts laughing...I thought I was off the hook...until he know this is your fault!!!!
All I say is...Dur!


Mama of 2 said...

Why is it our children never repeat the things we want them to and only say the things we don't???

A question to ponder right?

Robin said...

That is so god damn freakin' funny,Lisa!! I wish we saw you guys more often. Trent cracks me up. It's hard not to laugh,though,isn't it???

When Lillianna was 3,I picked her up from pre-school and she was in a weird mood. She sighed as she got in the car. I asked her what was wrong. My sweetie pie little angel said,"What a freakin' day I had!" I gave up saying freakin' for about 4 years after that!!

Now when Rich and I swear by mistake,Lillianna says,"And I know never to say that,right Mommy?"
Damn kids!!!

Did you call and wish Cody a happy first birthday today? We did. Rich thinks we are all insane. He keeps laughing and asking,"You know he's a dog,right??????"