Monday, March 24, 2008

Not just a common cold

If anyone has read my blogs from way back when you will read that one of my pet peeves is when people send their sick kids to school. Thankfully, I have not had to deal with that this year, people are getting wise.....or something!

Now I have to target my frustrations at the sick adults who contaminate my air at work. We have a very lovely woman who handles our mail daily. She is a sweetheart and a very friendly face and I have nothing bad to say about her except....FOR THE LAST 3 WEEKS SHE HAS BEEN HACKING HER GERMS ON MY MAIL!!!!!

I am not a doctor but the sound of her cough and voice indicates she is ill. So I today kindly said, "boy, you sound awful still, what did the doctor say?" Her response was simple, "oh, I have not been to the doctor, but if this keeps up, I will call on Wednesday."

OK lady you have been hacking a lung for the last 3 weeks and you are going to wait until Wednesday???? YIKES!!!!!!
Just talking about it makes me want to wash my hands!!!!


Robin said...

My favorite thing is when I'm doing an eye exam and the patient is coughing,sneezing and sniffling and in a congested voice they say,"I'm not sick it's just allergies!" Ya....RIGHT!

Mama of 2 said...

Well as a preschool teacher I could tell you some doozies when it comes to parents sending their kids to school sick...or better yet medicated enough for them to pass as not sick yet both myself and the other teacher in the room know different.

So in all honesty I haven't felt all the horrible about going to work sick myself. Not the nicest I know but what's a teacher to do when we don't have sickdays?