Monday, February 25, 2008

A new house

After renting a house for almost 2 years, we decided to take the step and purchase another home of our own.

STRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That was me screaming, if you could not already tell :-)

My wonderful husband I feel sometimes is clueless!! I think I am realistic and sometimes I think he lives in a world of fantasy and candy canes. I think he feels we have unlimited money and time.
Why is that? Oh, I can tell you that...because he is clueless.
I do the bills, take care of schooling for Trent and have been dealing with real estate agent, the inspectors, the bank and the attorney! My fault! I take on too much and assume to much responsibility. I guess that is because I am a control freak. I like my fat little fingers in everything and to be able to control it all. I am sooooo weird!

Although I may be a stress case, I could not be happier with our (my) choice. It is 2 miles from my sister and in a great school district a deadend and a pool. I just have to find a new school for Trent, a babysitter for the baby, make sure that my schedule will allow me to get to work on time, etc....but I think coming home to my own house on a summers day and taking off my work clothes and jumping in the pool will make it all worth while. But I will miss my mother who is 2 seconds from me now....but maybe she needs a break too!!!

Now, just to figure out what to make for dinner tonight :-)

1 comment:

Robin said...

I'm so happy for you guys!!!
You deserve to have your own house.
Congrats again on the new job.
Everything will fall into place as it always does in spite of the fact that every major decision is up to us,the women!

Men are clueless. Well,they're probably really clever so they leave all the tough stuff to us! Who knows??