Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The heat, my weight and AC

Well my count down is on...I have 8 weeks until I deliver. I am hoping I can hold on that long.

It is so funny to see people and their reactions to my huge belly in the heat. The first look is pity, then concern and then the questions come. Oh gosh, honey when are you due? How is the heat treating you? Well at least you aren't swollen...and the do you do it??

I am due in the middle of August and I have AC at work so it is night home can be tough but can be dealt with and I am not swollen yet because I am not out mowing the lawn or painting my house. And how do I do it???? Well, women have been having babies for a million it is nature! Pregnancy is a gift. I try to enjoy it as much as possible (I complain silently :-)

It is funny to see my massive body is my son's kiddie pool!!!!!

1 comment:

AngelConradie said...

whew, pregnant in summer... i can sympathise!