Thursday, June 14, 2007

What a relief!

I got news the other day that a friend of mine is very ill. She has a series of tumors that need to be removed. She is a new mother of 2 and is only 30 years old.

Her surgery was yesterday and the survival rate for the procedure was only 20%. Well, I just found out this morning she made it through the surgery!!! I am so happy... I started to cry.

Now her road to recovery will entail chemotherapy and I am sure some strong medications but she now has time with her babies and family and I am sure with all the positive energy, she will beat it!!!

Thank God!!!


AngelConradie said...


Robin said...

I just wrote about her too! What a miracle this was. I cried when Kara told me the good news.
Have you ever met Jill?
I'm going to ask Kara for her address so that I can send her a card.
It just put everything into perspective for me,you know? Life is so precious....sometimes we forget.