Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Do you sometimes.....fake it?

Ah ha, you all thought the title was meaning something fresh...but now what I want to know is sometimes do you fake paying attention when your spouse or partner is talking?

I had a phone conversation with my husband who LOVES to talk about the military...which I really don't have an interest in. He was going on and on about something to be quite honest, I really don't remember. Anyway, he was talking a mile a minute and something distracted me...the baby crying or Trent pulling at me for attention...could have been anything, but anyway I did not even remember he was talking about it and I changed the subject and he got real quiet and I said ok well I gotta go and get Trent ready for bed and he was like ok, real short and I said, what is wrong and he was like....I was talking about blah, blah and you just cut me off.
Now this is coming from a guy who was not hear for the end of my pregnancy or the birth of his child and I actually felt guilty about being rude. I am a sucker so I acted interested and asked questions and kept the conversation going until the call got dropped..gotta love cell phones...
I tried to call back but went right to voice mail...I had more important things to do than listen about his friend going somewhere in the world...
Most of our "exciting" conversations are always about him.......hmmmmmmm, is this a selfish person or am I just boring?

1 comment:

Robin said...

Does TC ever read this blog???
I couldn't fake an interest in the military so you're doing better than I would.

Luckily Rich talks about pretty interesting things but I do hate when he repeats himself. I just tell him I've heard it before.