Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What have I become?

This blog makes me feel like I have the shoulder to complain too. Maybe it is my own little private Idaho!! But I honestly feel like I can spill the beans and not be judge...hence this complaint!

Being the proud mother of 2 amazing little men makes me the proudest person in the world. I feel that is the one thing that I have done without flaw. I also feel that I am doing an OK job at it, as well. With that, I also feel that I can let my hair down a bit...or up for that matter.

The other day, I came home from work. I just changed my schedule and work an additional 2 full days in the office. I get home at 4:45 pm, I rush and pick up the baby from my mothers (who thank GOD that she watches the baby) and then I go home to where Trent is waiting for me. He gets picked up from school on the two days from my mother in law...another Thank you GOD!!!

So at this point I am a mental case rushing because I know that dinner needs to be made, baby changed or fed, Trent makes a mess with his toys that require picking up and then I need to get out of my work clothes and into something much more comfortable....and up goes the hair in a clip. It is bad enough that I smell like baby formula at the end of the night but I don't need it in my hair too! So I go up to my bed room to change and I am rushing mind you to hurry and take care of everyone and there is my husband...relaxing!!!! RELAXING!!!! Oh he is home and I have to run around while all he has to do is just help a little! But I guess he is tired...did he wake up 5 times last night to replace a Binky that does not want to stay in my baby's mouth or did he go down to the kitchen at 4 am for a cup of cold apple juice, that my other bubba wanted??? No he did not. But that is not the true complaint here. What upset me is......when I got home I threw on the first comfortable thing I could find which happened to be a pair of feety pj's. If you don't know what feety pj's are, think of a big bunny..that's what they are. Anyway, mine are huge on me and I trip so I put a belt on so I could cook dinner without falling. I looked silly but it was warm and who cares I am home in the privacy of my own house!!!

Well, my sweet darling husband said" what the hell are you wearing" I said it was the first thing that I found that was warm. "well you make it very hard for me!" that was his response. I turned and said hard for what?and he said to find you attractive! WHAT A JERK!!!!
I made dinner and I ate alone...and then of course I yelled after and told him that he was rude and that he is not perfect and I do everything and if I want to put on something ugly I will.He said just because you are a mother you don't have to look like one. You leave for work all cute and come home to me and don't care what you look like. He was so bent out of I don't care about him or something.
I just ignored him and went to bed....of course I changed into my silk pj's...not for him but the others get to hot!!! Can you believe him???? or have I become a "mom"????


Mama of 2 said...

Men in general just don't get it.
They don't really have anyone to be concerned with but themselves for the most part.
It's us who not only gets ourselves ready but the rest of the family as well all in between cooking, cleaning, doing laundry and whatever else might happen to crop up.

It's unfair that that's what we have been reduced to for the most part. A man couldn't do what we do in a day I truly do believe that.

I say wear your feety pjs and the world be damned.

Robin said...

Oh Lisa,TC is such a guy. Remember the old commercial for Enjoli perfume with the sexy woman who sang,"I can bring home the bacon,fry it up in a pan, and never ever ever let you forgot you're a man cuz I'm a woman....

That's a crock of shit. If I'm bringing home the bacon AND frying it up in the pan AND looking hot for my man then what the hell is HE doing and why can't I be the man???

I get that TC is still recovering from his surgery but being rude to you for just wanting to be comfy after all you did all day is just thoughtless.

When I get home from work after picking Lil up at school at 3:00pm I immediately get in my jammies if we're in for the night. Gravity has not been kind to my boobs so once the bra is off those puppies can rest on the top of my feet. Not a pretty picture.But hey,I'm comfy and Rich works most nights!

I want to know how TC is making himself hot for you. Just by existing? Nice!

The fact that you haven't killed him yet proves you love him but he needs a huge wake up call. You're beautiful even when you're in your sweats (I haven't seen you in the feety jammies yet)because you are a beautiful,kind,loving and funny person. What the hell else does he want??

By the way,there is a commercial for Zyrtec and Lillianna always yells,"That looks like Auntie Lisa!!" Rich agreed. I think so too although you're much prettier than she is but there is a slight resemblance. Let me know if you see it.