Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Sick kids and a school day.

Question? Do you think that it is OK and fair to send your sick child to school sick? Of course it all depends on the sickness, but for this discussion I am talking about your colds, flu's and fevers.
This may sound like a rant...OK maybe it is.
My son, is in preschool. We love it and missing a day is like he can't play with his he goes even in the morning when he pulls the covers over his head. (he got that from his fathers side of the family :-)
Well, on the day I " lunch mother" I see a couple of kids with green snotty noses, running down their face, and one little girl so out of it she is sitting in the corner coughing. I touch her, burning of course! I tell the teacher and of course, no parent comes right away...this is a 3 year old child! So I Lysol the place, wash all those little hands, clean those gross boogers and we have lunch...well 2 days later, Trent gets a cold, fever and conjunctivitis. I talk to the teacher and she informs me that one of the little girls had it. OK why did this parent send their child to school with conjunctivitis. We all know it is very contagious. You can see the red eyes! So off to the doctors and I keep Trent home for a few days until he is well. WELL!!! As you would guess it, I have the gross eyes and the gross boogers! Thanks parents for the spread of something that could have been prevented!
So off to school today. Trent is healthy and happy but there it is again...a different kid, sitting at the puzzle table trying to suck up the snots and try to keep her eyes open.
Does Target sell those big plastic bubbles????

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I am fine...I will be fine. Those are my blanket answers that I feed most strangers when they ask about TC leaving for Iraq. What am I going to say? Oh sit down, grab your tea and while your up, a box of tissues too!! Nah! Not my style. I have been through too much over the last 4 years to let it get to me now.
I have anger...tons of it.
-History of Lisa 101-
Year 2003: Pregnant for the first time with my son, my husband has this yearning to re-join the reserves, the Army Reserves. I cry, I scream, I throw lots of things in hopes that will penetrate his thick head and not join. I was 6 months pregnant when he re-joined. I wanted to leave him for the pain he caused me. I wanted to show him what it is like to feel when someone you love is going to leave for a long period of time. But I was pregnant and I love him. Is love enough to keep it together? OK fast forward to September of 2003. My amazing son is born...3 weeks later, as my c-section incision re-opens, my husband leaves for 3 weeks to Missouri. OK my baby is 3 weeks, he leaves me with 2 dogs, which are his and a house to take care of...oh yes, my incision is healing, painfully. But again, I love him. OK fast forward again. My son is 5 months old, he is gone again for 3 weeks to Missouri again. This time, he informs me that he will be leaving for Iraq in 6 months. Trent turns one in September and then 3 weeks later, off to Iraq. What is it with the magical 3 weeks?!?!?!
One year in Iraq makes for a different person. He came different he was not sure he did not want to be married anymore. What a bastard I thought! You leave, I hold down the fort, get us out of debt, re-do the house, raise our son and you come home and tell me this! GO GET THERAPY! No, not in his plan. So there I go off to find a therapist to help me with my new found anxiety! Did you know that if you don't breath correctly you can get dizzy??? Or that nerves can make a person loose 30 pounds! Ha! You think it is not true! I was so thin that people were afraid to ask me how I did it. With my faith, strength and courage. We got through it. I have to say, I was the glue and did not give up. I knew that his mind was not in the place where it should be. OK fast forward---January 2007, Pregnant again, have a son who is the funniest person I know and a stable husband. He tells me again, I will be leaving for Iraq again, you know. This time it will be different. He most likely will miss the birth of this child, and the first year of his/her life, not to mention that he will miss Trent's t-ball games and first day of Kindergarten. Well, hello Anxiety, your back. Not nice to see you again!!!
Although....I must say. I am stronger, tougher and my anger will not be a force to be reckon with! I pray for his safety. I pray that he comes home in one piece and stable but if he comes home "different again" I am not sure I will be so forgiving this time!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I am a complete psycho!

So today marks my tenth week of pregnancy and I have determined that I am a nut! I am usually level-headed and pretty easy going...oh no..not me now!
My poor husband takes the hit for it. He works a million hours and last night he napped for 3 hours since he only got 3 hours sleep the night before and I was mad...why? I was not even home!!! Then today is the big football game and he had to work but got home early and then he wanted to go watch the game at a bar with the guys and I flipped out...told him that he makes me sad that he does not even want to watch it at home with me! I am not a big fan and I guilted him into this. Now, bored on the couch alone, he watches the Patriots try to get to the Super Bowl. I am looking forward to this moodiness to end!!! I think the guy is looking forward to going to Iraq!!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Is yelling discipline?

Today being like every other day, Trent and I set off to school. Seeing only his cherub like cheeks through the hat and big coat, made me want to cover him in kisses...but we were running late!
In the car we discussed how he is going to have fun at school and that Daddy will be picking him up. All is well, until we get to school. We proceed to the classroom after minutes of peeling layers of clothing off. And we see that both PreK classes are combined for "Sister No Name" to do their weekly singing. (Trent goes to a private/catholic school) This "Sr. No Name" was my teacher when I was in grammer school and I know how she scared the crap out of me then! Well, Trent is a good boy and sits in the circle, throws me a kiss, I catch it and the door gets closed. Well I began to have a conversation with the PreK teacher about the upcoming Valentines Day party when we hear a child crying. I knew instantly that it was not a mother lion, I could identify his cry anywhere! But none the less, it was a child crying. Well, not a second goes by and Sister No Name screams..."STOP CRYING...STOP CRYING THIS INSTANT!!!!!" The room feel silent..then she starts singing again. Does this beast understand that she is dealing with 3 and 4 year old little children who just started to trust the outside world? Well, here comes the mother lion again! I turn to the teacher and say..."listen, I don't' like that, it is not appropriate and I think she needs to be re-evaluated about her teaching skills" The teacher agreed but she is 25 years old and new...what is she going to do...stand up to a nun that has been in the school for 125 years? is up to me to protect these children. Old school does not work, I think that a student should have respect, and a lot of it but to have the child fear a teacher is not going to benefit them at all. Is yelling discipline? Maybe it worked then but I know that it only makes my child nervous...these kids are could raise your voice but to scream? No way!
So me, Mrs. Lion is meeting with the principal today and I am going to voice my concern over her behavior. I am hoping her tenure does not impact the need for a discussion. We shall see...I will pump Trent for information...he is very vocal...and very honest! Gotta love it!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Pregnancy...fears, myths and loss.

In mid- October of 2006 I miscarried at 12 1/2 weeks. I was seen at 7 weeks and everything was great. Back to the doctor for a follow up and that is when I was told that the baby stopped growing at 9 weeks and I had no idea. Some people don't talk about and some like to ignore it like it never happened. I am the opposite. I talk about it. I had to have a D&C which to be honest was not a big deal. I was not emotional about the entire thing. Even when they told me, I was like...Oh ok.
My reaction must have come to a shock to most but as I tried to explain it to someone...I never had the attachment. From the beginning, something did not feel right. I knew something was to go wrong, I never had a vision of my future child, nothing. My husband was more upset than me. A friend of mine asked me why I am not crying and I explained to her that "these things happen".
Is it a myth that woman have a "woman's intuition?" A gut instinct? Hmmm, I question that often. My answer is, I have it. I go with my first instinct...I can sense me a weirdo...that is ok, my family says it!
But I guess fears of another loss are in fact real. This is not public knowledge...well I guess now it is.... I am expecting again. I am 10 weeks and no one really knows. I told my sister in law...who I trust as a great friend too. But my mother does not even know. I am afraid to tell people. I fear that if I tell people that I will in fact loose this baby. The baby that I have seen in my dreams....this baby has a full head of hair, just like Trent and big pink cheeks. And will be a bit bigger than my tank, Trent was. He was almost 10 pounds.
Why this fear? Why am I dreaming of a loss even before I have even seen the doctor? I am sure my reaction is normal, right? My first appointment is coming up and I will tell my mother then..I am afraid of her reaction. 35 years old and I am afraid my mother is going to be mad because I get pregnant again. :-) This baby was planned and very much wanted.
I guess once I get passed the "danger time" I will be a bit more relaxed.
I have to question if anyone else has had this happen to them before?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Did you ever have one of those days?

It is Wednesday and it feels like Friday. Not the good Friday feeling but the I am so tired that I am siked the week is over feeling. Last night I went to a Home and School Association meeting at the school and it lasted until the time I got in bed it was very late...I woke up late, showered but had no time to wash my hair, Trent was late for school and now I am dragging like I am hungover! And I know tonight I am looking at my laundry. I just want to go back to bed!
Did you ever have one of those days?

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Houston - we have poops!

Ok, as you have read in my prior post, Trent keeps me laughing. Well at 3 years old, one would think that a child would be potty trained. hahahahahaha he's not. I should have bought stock in Huggies and Pampers when I had the chance..then I could have had a nanny potty train!!!
Anyway...I had to do the tough love thing...the thing that the experts say won't work and it will damage the child for life. Well, Dr. Knowitall....come to my house and change a 3 years old crappy diaper and then tell me who is and my nasal passage! They eat real food and poop like men...yuck! So I, all weekend...stayed home. The weather was close to 70 degrees...yes in January and I stayed in to keep big boy underwear on. The pee-pee was successful but popping just ain't happening. 2 days go by and NOTHING.. a kid can hold it if they really want to! HE DID!! He had a stomach ache and was telling me he had to go but once I had him on the toliet...he clenched up and shut down the old septic system. So last night I had it...on the toliet he sat for ONE HOUR!! We read books, he cried, we told Knock-Knock jokes, he laughed..then the urge..then the clamp, then the urge and the clamp, then the can see where I am going with this, right? Anyway, time progresses slowly as I am sitting on a cold bathroom floor and the urge hits again. He is crying....telling me that he is afraid..." honey, what are you afraid of?" he blurts out..." THE PLOP!!!!". So, my kid is afraid of the splash...I couldn't help but laugh. I was thinking something on the lines of falling in, or where is my poop going but the splash!
Needless to say, we had success...he cried and I told him that it was over and he did a nervous laugh and had to check out the outcome. I said, would you like to take a picture of it...he said" momma, that is gross" kid, I was only kidding. So now we owe him a fish tank. Does anyone know how much a Nemo fish is going to cost me???

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

This is my first blog-EVER

At 35 years old, I thought I was pretty much "there" when it came to being savvy in the technical world...boy was I wrong!
I was chatting with a friend, Robin and we were discussing blogs. She suggested that I create on and just keep it going and when the time comes for my husband, TC to re-deploy to Iraq, he can be up to date in the going on's in our house.
Robin said it was easy to create.....she was right. Thank you Robin!!!
So I guess I will start with a funny thing my handsome 3 year old son, Trent said. For all of you out there that don't have kids, you may not find this funny but you know the ole saying..."out of the mouths of babes".
So I was sitting on the couch with my husband watching nothing good on TV but moreso just watching Trent play with the millions of Christmas things he got. Anyway, I am watching him go behind the couch...make a grunting noise and then a "aaahhhh" came I instantly knew he need to make a poop. So I say, "hey bud, you need to go pooh?" His response was so quick and witty..."nah, I just got a hemmoroid"...I nearly busted a gut laughing and my husband just looks at me and goes..."Nice!" I guess it is just proof that I spend too much time with my child!
There are so many funny things that he says on a day to day basis...I will try to write them down so I can remember them as well.