Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I am fine...I will be fine. Those are my blanket answers that I feed most strangers when they ask about TC leaving for Iraq. What am I going to say? Oh sit down, grab your tea and while your up, a box of tissues too!! Nah! Not my style. I have been through too much over the last 4 years to let it get to me now.
I have anger...tons of it.
-History of Lisa 101-
Year 2003: Pregnant for the first time with my son, my husband has this yearning to re-join the reserves, the Army Reserves. I cry, I scream, I throw lots of things in hopes that will penetrate his thick head and not join. I was 6 months pregnant when he re-joined. I wanted to leave him for the pain he caused me. I wanted to show him what it is like to feel when someone you love is going to leave for a long period of time. But I was pregnant and I love him. Is love enough to keep it together? OK fast forward to September of 2003. My amazing son is born...3 weeks later, as my c-section incision re-opens, my husband leaves for 3 weeks to Missouri. OK my baby is 3 weeks, he leaves me with 2 dogs, which are his and a house to take care of...oh yes, my incision is healing, painfully. But again, I love him. OK fast forward again. My son is 5 months old, he is gone again for 3 weeks to Missouri again. This time, he informs me that he will be leaving for Iraq in 6 months. Trent turns one in September and then 3 weeks later, off to Iraq. What is it with the magical 3 weeks?!?!?!
One year in Iraq makes for a different person. He came home...different...so different he was not sure he did not want to be married anymore. What a bastard I thought! You leave, I hold down the fort, get us out of debt, re-do the house, raise our son and you come home and tell me this! GO GET THERAPY! No, not in his plan. So there I go off to find a therapist to help me with my new found anxiety! Did you know that if you don't breath correctly you can get dizzy??? Or that nerves can make a person loose 30 pounds! Ha! You think it is not true! I was so thin that people were afraid to ask me how I did it. With my faith, strength and courage. We got through it. I have to say, I was the glue and did not give up. I knew that his mind was not in the place where it should be. OK fast forward---January 2007, Pregnant again, have a son who is the funniest person I know and a stable husband. He tells me again, I will be leaving for Iraq again, you know. This time it will be different. He most likely will miss the birth of this child, and the first year of his/her life, not to mention that he will miss Trent's t-ball games and first day of Kindergarten. Well, hello Anxiety, your back. Not nice to see you again!!!
Although....I must say. I am stronger, tougher and my anger will not be a force to be reckon with! I pray for his safety. I pray that he comes home in one piece and stable but if he comes home "different again" I am not sure I will be so forgiving this time!


Robin said...

I'm anxious about TC leaving again and he's not even MY husband!!

I don't know how military wives/husbands do it. It is way more stressful than I could handle.

I'm here for you,Lisa. You can always call and vent to me.

Big hugs to you my stressed out friend.

Mama of 2 said...

I will pray for you Lisa. I can't even begin to imagine what your life must be like. The sneak peak you gave in the 101 verison I am sure barely scratches the surface of the true life you lead.

I wish you the best as you deal with things on your own and I will pray for the safe return of your husband and that he returns the man you remember him to be when he left.

AngelConradie said...

you're in my prayers lisa! i'm impressed with your staying power!