Sunday, January 21, 2007

I am a complete psycho!

So today marks my tenth week of pregnancy and I have determined that I am a nut! I am usually level-headed and pretty easy going...oh no..not me now!
My poor husband takes the hit for it. He works a million hours and last night he napped for 3 hours since he only got 3 hours sleep the night before and I was mad...why? I was not even home!!! Then today is the big football game and he had to work but got home early and then he wanted to go watch the game at a bar with the guys and I flipped out...told him that he makes me sad that he does not even want to watch it at home with me! I am not a big fan and I guilted him into this. Now, bored on the couch alone, he watches the Patriots try to get to the Super Bowl. I am looking forward to this moodiness to end!!! I think the guy is looking forward to going to Iraq!!!


Mama of 2 said...

Okay...what's my excuse -- see I'm not even pregnant.

I know the moodiness gets better or maybe just different. I am sure if you snuggle up to hubby later this evening and plead pregnant insanity he will forgive you.

Robin said...

You are horrible!! I couldn't care less that Rich went out to watch the game. Less noise for me. Like all guys,he talks to the tv. I'm freakin' tired!!! I don't want to hear that crap. Let him yell elsewhere.

At least make it worth TC's while and be snuggly with him.
I hate football. I'm watching some marathon of Law and Order while I add links to your blog. My life is full!!!

Hey,when the heck is your scrapbook party,anyway??????

AngelConradie said...

aaaaaaaawww... thats so funny! thank goodness it will be normal again soon!