Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Houston - we have poops!

Ok, as you have read in my prior post, Trent keeps me laughing. Well at 3 years old, one would think that a child would be potty trained. hahahahahaha he's not. I should have bought stock in Huggies and Pampers when I had the chance..then I could have had a nanny potty train!!!
Anyway...I had to do the tough love thing...the thing that the experts say won't work and it will damage the child for life. Well, Dr. Knowitall....come to my house and change a 3 years old crappy diaper and then tell me who is damaged...me and my nasal passage! They eat real food and poop like men...yuck! So I, all weekend...stayed home. The weather was close to 70 degrees...yes in January and I stayed in to keep big boy underwear on. The pee-pee was successful but popping just ain't happening. 2 days go by and NOTHING.. a kid can hold it if they really want to! HE DID!! He had a stomach ache and was telling me he had to go but once I had him on the toliet...he clenched up and shut down the old septic system. So last night I had it...on the toliet he sat for ONE HOUR!! We read books, he cried, we told Knock-Knock jokes, he laughed..then the urge..then the clamp, then the urge and the clamp, then the urge.....you can see where I am going with this, right? Anyway, time progresses slowly as I am sitting on a cold bathroom floor and the urge hits again. He is crying....telling me that he is afraid..." honey, what are you afraid of?" he blurts out..." THE PLOP!!!!". So, my kid is afraid of the splash...I couldn't help but laugh. I was thinking something on the lines of falling in, or where is my poop going but the splash!
Needless to say, we had success...he cried and I told him that it was over and he did a nervous laugh and had to check out the outcome. I said, would you like to take a picture of it...he said" momma, that is gross"...smart kid, I was only kidding. So now we owe him a fish tank. Does anyone know how much a Nemo fish is going to cost me???


Robin said...

I could've told you he'd be afraid of the splash....they ALL are!!

Give Trent a big hug from all of us
and tell him we are very proud of him!!!

I have no idea about the fish.Ask Kara...she keeps buying fish and she spends a lot of time in the pet store.

I did the sitting on the floor thing with Lil but that never worked. Good job,Lisa!

Mama of 2 said...

What a cute story.
I soon will be approaching the stage you are at. Girlie Girlie tells me poop and pee pee yet it's after she's already done the deed. I guess you'd call that a work in progress.

AngelConradie said...

aw- thats adorable!
i wonder what made him "afraid" of it in the first place! nice work mom!