Thursday, January 18, 2007

Is yelling discipline?

Today being like every other day, Trent and I set off to school. Seeing only his cherub like cheeks through the hat and big coat, made me want to cover him in kisses...but we were running late!
In the car we discussed how he is going to have fun at school and that Daddy will be picking him up. All is well, until we get to school. We proceed to the classroom after minutes of peeling layers of clothing off. And we see that both PreK classes are combined for "Sister No Name" to do their weekly singing. (Trent goes to a private/catholic school) This "Sr. No Name" was my teacher when I was in grammer school and I know how she scared the crap out of me then! Well, Trent is a good boy and sits in the circle, throws me a kiss, I catch it and the door gets closed. Well I began to have a conversation with the PreK teacher about the upcoming Valentines Day party when we hear a child crying. I knew instantly that it was not a mother lion, I could identify his cry anywhere! But none the less, it was a child crying. Well, not a second goes by and Sister No Name screams..."STOP CRYING...STOP CRYING THIS INSTANT!!!!!" The room feel silent..then she starts singing again. Does this beast understand that she is dealing with 3 and 4 year old little children who just started to trust the outside world? Well, here comes the mother lion again! I turn to the teacher and say..."listen, I don't' like that, it is not appropriate and I think she needs to be re-evaluated about her teaching skills" The teacher agreed but she is 25 years old and new...what is she going to do...stand up to a nun that has been in the school for 125 years? is up to me to protect these children. Old school does not work, I think that a student should have respect, and a lot of it but to have the child fear a teacher is not going to benefit them at all. Is yelling discipline? Maybe it worked then but I know that it only makes my child nervous...these kids are could raise your voice but to scream? No way!
So me, Mrs. Lion is meeting with the principal today and I am going to voice my concern over her behavior. I am hoping her tenure does not impact the need for a discussion. We shall see...I will pump Trent for information...he is very vocal...and very honest! Gotta love it!


AngelConradie said...

i am VERY impressed that you're prepared to take a stand, and not only for your own child!
i agree with you completely- although it took me a long time to learn that lesson... start shouting, and the kid's ears are just gonna close!

Lisa said...

Thanks for the support!!!

Robin said...

Tell it like it is,Lisa! Teachers should never be screaming at students.....EVER! What is the matter with these people???

My 2nd grade teacher,Mrs. Atkins,made this boy Ian cry and throw up every day!!! He was new to our school and scared. When he started to cry,Mrs A would scream,"STOP THAT BLASTED CRYING!" He'd cry so much he would throw up.

She's probably still teaching for all I know!

Let me know how your meeting goes. Good luck!

Mama of 2 said...

No yelling is not discipline.
I admire your ability to take a stand and hope that you get the out come you are looking for.

Please keep us informed.