Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Pregnancy...fears, myths and loss.

In mid- October of 2006 I miscarried at 12 1/2 weeks. I was seen at 7 weeks and everything was great. Back to the doctor for a follow up and that is when I was told that the baby stopped growing at 9 weeks and I had no idea. Some people don't talk about and some like to ignore it like it never happened. I am the opposite. I talk about it. I had to have a D&C which to be honest was not a big deal. I was not emotional about the entire thing. Even when they told me, I was like...Oh ok.
My reaction must have come to a shock to most but as I tried to explain it to someone...I never had the attachment. From the beginning, something did not feel right. I knew something was to go wrong, I never had a vision of my future child, nothing. My husband was more upset than me. A friend of mine asked me why I am not crying and I explained to her that "these things happen".
Is it a myth that woman have a "woman's intuition?" A gut instinct? Hmmm, I question that often. My answer is, I have it. I go with my first instinct...I can sense things...call me a weirdo...that is ok, my family says it!
But I guess fears of another loss are in fact real. This is not public knowledge...well I guess now it is.... I am expecting again. I am 10 weeks and no one really knows. I told my sister in law...who I trust as a great friend too. But my mother does not even know. I am afraid to tell people. I fear that if I tell people that I will in fact loose this baby. The baby that I have seen in my dreams....this baby has a full head of hair, just like Trent and big pink cheeks. And will be a bit bigger than my tank, Trent was. He was almost 10 pounds.
Why this fear? Why am I dreaming of a loss even before I have even seen the doctor? I am sure my reaction is normal, right? My first appointment is coming up and I will tell my mother then..I am afraid of her reaction. 35 years old and I am afraid my mother is going to be mad because I get pregnant again. :-) This baby was planned and very much wanted.
I guess once I get passed the "danger time" I will be a bit more relaxed.
I have to question if anyone else has had this happen to them before?


AngelConradie said...

i'll say congratulations when you feel a little more relaxed...
i dunno it its "normal"- my baby is going on 16 years old! i'll be praying for you!

Robin said...

Congrats Lisa! I already knew but I didn't want to say anything until you did.
You let it slip at Christmas but I kept quiet because I didn't know who knew.
I am so happy for you guys and I feel very confident about this baby. I know you're scared to tell your mom but she loves you and it will be fine.
Plus,Trent will be an awesome big brother!!
Call me for babysitting!

Mama of 2 said...

First off let me say congratulations!

And I'm sorry for your earlier loss. I can understand your way of thinking about the miscarriage and your real fear this time around. I think it's all normal.

I had dreams when I was pregnant with my daughter (towards the latter part of my pregnancy) and I saw her as a happy healthy baby girl and that's exactly what I got.

Congratulations again and keep us up to date.