Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Sick kids and a school day.

Question? Do you think that it is OK and fair to send your sick child to school sick? Of course it all depends on the sickness, but for this discussion I am talking about your colds, flu's and fevers.
This may sound like a rant...OK maybe it is.
My son, is in preschool. We love it and missing a day is like he can't play with his he goes even in the morning when he pulls the covers over his head. (he got that from his fathers side of the family :-)
Well, on the day I " lunch mother" I see a couple of kids with green snotty noses, running down their face, and one little girl so out of it she is sitting in the corner coughing. I touch her, burning of course! I tell the teacher and of course, no parent comes right away...this is a 3 year old child! So I Lysol the place, wash all those little hands, clean those gross boogers and we have lunch...well 2 days later, Trent gets a cold, fever and conjunctivitis. I talk to the teacher and she informs me that one of the little girls had it. OK why did this parent send their child to school with conjunctivitis. We all know it is very contagious. You can see the red eyes! So off to the doctors and I keep Trent home for a few days until he is well. WELL!!! As you would guess it, I have the gross eyes and the gross boogers! Thanks parents for the spread of something that could have been prevented!
So off to school today. Trent is healthy and happy but there it is again...a different kid, sitting at the puzzle table trying to suck up the snots and try to keep her eyes open.
Does Target sell those big plastic bubbles????


Mama of 2 said...

I am so with you on this post. I remember many times when I subbed as a teacher's aide at my son's old preschool seeing children there with green snots oozing from their noses and feeling ever so warm to the touch.

I could never figure out what those mom's were thinking sending those kids to school other than the fact that they were enjoying their 2.5 hours of peace while their child infected the rest of us.

That's so NOT cool!

Robin said...

I have the same problem. Everyone went to school sick in the past 2 weeks. Every day Lillianna came home to tell me someone threw up or had a fever and had to be sent home.

No big surprise that Lillianna had a fever and cough all weekend! She was out of school monday and tuesday. I took her to the doctor yesterday and she's ok to go back to school so I sent her today.

The last place I want my child when she is sick is anywhere outside of the home!!! Whether she is home with me or Rich,one of us is taking care of her. She is not at school or on a play date.

(I had to keep her home from a birthday sleep over on Saturday. If she spiked a temp in the middle of the night,why put my friend through that and expose her kids and all the guests to Lillianna's illness????) I don't want her away from me if she doesn't feel well.

Some parents are so selfish and stupid.

I completely agree with you!!

AngelConradie said...

that is shocking!
i reckon parents who do that should be fined!