Monday, May 21, 2007

Dishes don't wash themselves

Dishes don't wash themselves, toys don't pick themselves up and shoes don't know their way to the closet!!

That is one thing that I have know for my entire life. But why do I still walk around my messy house thinking when I walk to another room that it will be miraculously clean?

I lack a ton of energy, that I know but I do EVER THING!!!!! I cook, clean, pay bills, laundry, clean the know the usual home maker stuff. I would not mind so much but I do hold a job too.

I love my husband, really do, but my goodness is he a slob!! I mean, he thinks that I enjoy taking my huge stomach and lugging down the vacuum cleaner so I can clean up the cat hair off the couch that he complains about everyday. When he sees it downstairs or me using it, he says, I was going to take it down for you.....ummmm like I have time to wait!!!

I started to clean up toys and I lost my energy. I am lucky if I sleep 3 straight hours a night...sounds like I am complaining....ok I am complaining but it makes me feel better.

I know when my husband is away with the Army, the house will have order...but I know I will miss the boots, coffee cups on the window sill and the empty toilet paper roll.....oh and of course the drop of juice left in the container!!!


AngelConradie said...

oooh... damien and i are both slobs so things can get very messy if i don't chase us both a bit!

Robin said...

I think all men are like that. Rich thought it was a miracle that the bathroom sink had some real kick to it when he got home last night instead of barely coming out of the faucet. He was equally surprised when the water in the shower went down the drain this morning instead of slowly climbing up to our knee caps. Ya,the miracle was I called maintenance and they fixed it all yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*I* called maintenance...not was ME!!!!!
Oh sorry,I sounded bitter!