Thursday, May 10, 2007

So, I have this cough.....

*for folks who get easily offended, don't read*

So, I have this cough and so does Trent and TC but mine sounds like a disgusting alien living in my chest...gross! Nothing is coming up so it makes it worse.

I was in the shower today and I cough so much that I actually pulled my tongue muscle. OK is that even possible? My tongue feels like I just had a make out session with a hoover...double gross!!

So, today being a amazing sunny day, I decide to park far from the school and walk...OK great! Then the coughing fit happens...I cough and cough and then...I tinkled my pants!!

I blame the pregnancy and the baby right on my bladder but I think I just cough so much that the pee wanted out!!!

Now what does that say for the kind of day I am going to have??


AngelConradie said...

ooh i done that! you can so blame the baby- but i haven't been pregnant in 16 years, LOL!

Robin said...

I love the things you share,Lisa!!
I never did that but I am always afraid with my cough that I have had for 6 weeks,I'm waiting to cough up an organ!! Just waiting for a liver to pop out of my mouth or something. Ya just never know!