Wednesday, May 2, 2007 that why I wake up tired?

My entire life I have always had a very active imagination but now...whoa!! These pregnancy dreams are weird.

The experts say they are normal to have weird dreams, something to do with anxiety, hormones and a boat load of things. But the ones I have been having could make a best seller!!!

I have been in a monogamous relationship with my husband since we were both 22 years old. I have never and I know I will never be unfaithful. But over the last couple of weeks, I have been with a bunch of other men. OK, maybe my extra marital affairs have all been dreamt but they do feel weird. Sometimes I wake feeling very guilty.

Last week I was with Mark Conselous and Kelly Ripa was no where in sight, he only had eyes for me...that fantasy lasted about 3 days, I guess him hosting the show with his lovely wife had something to do with it. Then last night, don't ask me why but my love interest was Mark Harmon. I have never ever thought of him in that light but oh boy we were in love last night. So today I googled him. He is a good looking man. I have great taste!!!

There have been a host of other nutty dreams in the mix like me walking down the street with Trent on the way to school and we hear a mother yelling at her child that they are late for school and the child is a baby crying. I know you are thinking while reading this....what the heck kind of pre-natal vitamins is this whack job on?!?!?!?

Im sure a shrink would have a field day on my head!

1 comment:

AngelConradie said...

ooh, mark harmon... yummy! mwaaahahahahahaha...