Monday, April 30, 2007

The sweetness of a child

While I try to juggle work, raise a 3 year old, be pregnant, husband away all the time and trying to help out with my dad who is in the midst of chemotherapy treatment for Hodgkin's, I sometimes lose sight of my surroundings, like the sweetness of a child.

I guess you could say that I over compensate for my husbands absence by dropping what I am doing to tend the needs of my son or maybe buy him that book or puzzle he wants...but I guess I have to say that remaining kind to him is something that I did not think he realized.

Tonight, I prepared dinner for my parents, Trent and myself...which I do at least 3 nights a week, to help out my mother. (I live on the apartment above them). So today my dad is not having a "good" day. He had a round of chemo 4 days ago and usually that is when you can see it has taken its toll. He ate a little and excused himself to go to the living room and watch TV. The 3 of us remained at the table to continue eating. Trent finished his plate and slowly gets up and grabs his water and walks towards the living room...I ask him, where are you going? He looks at me with such a look, that I could cry to see again...and says with the sweetest voice..I am going to give Papa some company.

I just looked at my mother and said, that is the sweetest thing. Boy am I lucky!!!!
So Trent sat with Papa in the living room, not much was said but I know having Trent around is what keeps my father in good spirits and of course, the sweetness of a child!!!!


Robin said...

Trent sure is a sweetie,Lisa,but it's because he is so loved. He knows he is the center of everyone's universe,which he is.

I see the way Ginny is with him and even though you may not always agree with things that she does,you can't dispute her undying love for Trent.

Even when the baby arrives,I think Trent will be the same way I was when Kara was born.....happy to have a sibling and wanting to share the love.

For Trent to feel such compassion for your dad,you know he's had some great role models in his life! He obviously sees how much you do for your parents and he wanted to make your dad feel better.

Give that cute boy a hug from us. I miss you guys!!!

AngelConradie said...

oh how sweet is he! you've obviously done something very right!