Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Rain, Rain....oh and more rain!!

As I sit on the couch watching my son use his crafts for the 10th time this week, I look out the window and wonder if the rain is going to stop anytime this week? Don't get me wrong, I love my days of staying the house with no plans or anything to do but this is getting dull, real dull!!!
I don't want the poor little on in front of the TV too much but how much finger painting and playing puzzles can one 3 year old do? So when it was a bit drizzly out yesterday...he went out to ride his bike. Bad mother I am thinking but I felt we both needed a bit of a break from one another!
So today, our big trek out was to drive to Sears to pick up the grill that I ordered...Well, my husband forgot the tool he needed to bring the stupid thing home. I guess it did not make a difference considering I won't be grilling for a few more days!
So off goes the computer, TV on, and the paints are out one more time. This is the worst vacation my son has ever had!!!


AngelConradie said...

heh heh... it doesn't sound like he's complaining!

Robin said...

Oh ya...well,I would've traded with you yesterday! I had to talk Lillianna out of wearing open toed SANDALS out in the monsoon!! I had to bring her to my mom's house so that I could work.

Sandals....this weirdo was crying her eyes out begging to wear sandals..... in the torrential downpour and wind.

In the end,she wore her boots but did not bother with a coat...just a thin sweater. Guess what she said????

"Gee Mom....I'm cold!!!!!!!!"

Wanna trade kids?????