Tuesday, April 17, 2007

two funny things I had to share!

So Trent my little clown had me laughing yet again!
We are driving home from our failed trip to sears and I was thirsty so TC pulls into Starbucks to get me a water, himself this green tea latte thing that looked like a science project (what the heck ever happened to normal coffee size small please??) then we decided to get Trent a "treat" so we got him this nice creamy blended strawberry thing with whipped creme! Anyway we are driving and I hear him slurping away. So I say...."hey pal, how is your treat?" He tells me in a grown up voice...." Pretty Dam good!!" I just blew it off and TC and busted a gut laughing!!!
Then my other funny story is...Trent had to go pee so he goes to the bathroom and I needed to get something I left on the floor I walk in while he is peeing and he turns without breaking a pee stream, says....do you mind mom?? Privacy please!!!
OK how funny is this kid???


AngelConradie said...

oh that is hysterical! i so wish i had kept more of a record of the cute things my damien said growing up...

Robin said...

I guess pretty funny since Lillianna and I are cracking up!!!!! Funnier because we actually know this boy!!

If it makes you feel any better you can read my post today about going BRA shopping with Lil! Oh ya....but hey,Bella has had a bra for like 2 years. So....whatever!!